CIN: U65191TN1981PLC008555
Credit Rating :
ICRA BBB+ Stable
CARE BBB+ Stable
ICRA BBB+ Stable
CARE BBB+ Stable
MITCON Credentia Trusteeship Services Limited
Address: 1402/1403, 14th Floor, Dalamal Tower, B-Wing,
Free Press Journal Marg, 211, Nariman Point, Mumbai –
Maharashtra, India
Telephone Number: +91 22 22828200 / 22828240
Catalyst Trusteeship Limited
(Erstwhile GDA Trusteeship Limited)
Address : Windsor, 6th Floor, Offce No. 604, C.S.T. Road, Kalina, Santacruz (East), Mumbai – 400098
Office : 022-49220555, Fax : 022-49220505
Vardhman Trusteeship Private Limited
Address : The Capital, A Wing, 412A, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai-400051.
Office :+91 22 4264 8335
- Intimation of record date
- Financial results for sept 2024
- Intimation of Board Meeting_11.11.2024.pdf
- Closure of trading window - September 2024.pdf
- Regulation 57(1)_Interest payment_INE911L07113.pdf
- Intimation of record date.pdf
- Form MGT 7 FY2023-24.pdf
- Liquidity risk profile June-2024.pdf
- Liquidity risk profile - March 2024.pdf
- Liquidity risk profile - December 2023.pdf
- Intimation for Appointment of Directors.pdf
- Intimation on appointment of Statutory Auditors.pdf
- Intimation about AGM proceedings 09.08.2024.pdf
- Intimation of retirement of Independent Directors on conclusion of their tenure.pdf
- Interest rate policy_12.06.2024.pdf
- Intimation of Board Meeting_05.08.2024.pdf
- Mahaveer Finance Annual Report 2024.pdf
- Extraordinary General Meeting
- Liquidity risk profile -September 2023.pdf
- Policy on Vigil Mechanism and Whistleblowers_03.11.2023.pdf
- Nomination & Remuneration Policy 03.11.2023.pdf
- Liquidity risk profile -June 2023.pdf
- Financial results June 23.pdf
- Intimation of Board Meeting_10.08.2023.pdf
- Repayment of ISIN INE911L07048.pdf
- Intimation for repayment of NCD.pdf
- Intimation for Change in KMPs signed.pdf
- Intimation about AGM proceedings 22.07.2023 Signed.pdf
- Intimation about review of credit rating.pdf
- Liquidity risk profile -March 2023.pdf
- Intimation for systemically important company.pdf
- Intimation for Appointment of ID_signed.pdf
- Mahaveer Finance-Annual Report.pdf
- Intimation of Annual report submission signed.pdf
- Intimation of AGM.pdf
- Annual return FY 2022-23.pdf
- Intimation for resignation of ID signed.pdf
- Intimation for resignation of Nominee Director.pdf
- Annual Return 2022.pdf
- Financial results March 23 signed.pdf
- Intimation of Board Meeting_26.05.2023.pdf
- Principal-Interest payment_SBI_21.04.2023.pdf
- Large corporate non applicability intimation_04.04.2023.pdf
- Intimation under regulation 7(3) March 2023.pdf
- Intimation of interest-principal obligations paid in a quarter Reg 57(5).pdf
- ISIN Details 31032023.pdf
- Closure of trading window -March 23.pdf
- BSE_interest obligations Qtr June 2023.pdf
- Record date intimation_SBI 21.04.2023.pdf
- Intimation for re-purchase of NCD - IOB.pdf
- Intimation for re-purchase of NCD.pdf
- Interest payment_CSB_18.03.2023.pdf
- Liquidity risk profile -December 2022.pdf
- Intimation of record date CSB_18.03.2023.pdf
- Interest payment_PNB_14.02.2023.pdf
- Financial results Dec 22.pdf
- Intimation of Board meeting 10022023.pdf
- Outcome of resources committee meeting 28.01.2023.pdf
- Intimation of Resource committee meeting 28.01.2023.pdf
- Interest payment_SBI_07.01.2023.pdf
- Intimation of record date PNB 14.02.2023.pdf
- Liquidity risk profile -September 2022.pdf
- Liquidity risk profile- June 2022.pdf
- 57(5) Intimation of interest paid in Dec 22 quarter.pdf
- Closure of trading window -Dec 22.pdf
- BSE_interest obligations Qtr March 2023.pdf
- Interest payment_CSB_18.12.2022.pdf
- Intimation of record date SBI 07.01.2023.pdf
- Interest payment_IOB_26.11.2022.pdf
- Intimation of record date CSB 18.12.2022.pdf
- Intimation for resignation of ID.pdf
- Financial Results Sept 22.pdf
- Intimation of Board meeting 12112022
- Intimation of record date IOB 26.11.2022
- Investor Grievances Statement 30.09.2022
- ISIN Details 30-09-2022
- Intimation of interest paid in Sept 22 quarter
- BSE_interest obligations Qtr Dec 2022
- Intimation of record date CSB 20.08.2022
- Payment of Interest_CSB 18.09.2022
- Liquidity risk profile -March 2022
- Financial Results June 22
- Intimation of Board meeting 12082022
- Liquidity risk profile -December 2021
- Regulation 50(3)- intimation of NCD issue
- Intimation of Board meeting 14022022
- Financial results Dec 21
- Certificate of interest payment_Reg 57(5)-Q3
- Intimation of Record date PNB 14022022
- SBI interest payment_07012022
- BSE_interest obligations Qtr March 2022
- Intimation under Reg 8_SEBI PIT
- Payment of Interest CSB 18122021
- Salient features of RBI Integrated Ombudsman Scheme
- RBI Integrated Ombudsman Scheme
- Payment of Interest_IOB 26112021
- Intimation of Record date CSB 18122021
- Liquidity risk profile -September 2021
- Financial results _Sept 2021
- Intimation of Board meeting 13112021
- BSE_interest obligations Qtr Dec 2021
- Certificate of interest payment_Reg 57(5)
- Intimation of record date IOB
- Intimation under 50(3)-Board meeting date
- ISIN Details 30092021
- BSE intimation change in auditors
- BSE intimation for EGM proceedings
- CSB interest payment 17092021
- EGM notice_Auditor change
- Intimation about CCD
- Intimation of Record and Interest date CSB 18092021
- PNB_interest payment 13082021
- AGM Notice and 40th Annual Report-For FY 2020-21
- Liquidity risk profile- March 2021
- Liquidity risk profile -June 2021
- Investor Grievance Statement 30062021
- Investor grievance report 31032021
- Intimation of Record date Indian Bank 30072021
- Intimation of Record and Interest date SBI 070721
- Intimation of record and interest date CSB 18062021
- Intimation for record and interest date PNB 13082021
- Certificate of interest payment SBI 07072021
- Certificate of interest payment IOB 26052021
- Certificate of interest payment CSB 18062021
- Certificate of interest payment 30072021
- Annual Return 2021
- Liquidity risk profile - 31st Dec 2020.pdf
- Liquidity risk profile - 30th Sept 2020.pdf
- Liquidity risk profile - 30th June 2020
- Liquidity risk profile - 31 March 2020